Friday, September 30, 2011

The phantom

So there is this notorious mosquito hiding out in my room. Everyday I wake up with a new mosquito bite. This morning I caught him, suckling on my blood. So I flicked him off and thought he had been defeated. But no. He's still flying around. He is literally no where to be found. So I just lounge in my bed on my Ipad and he buzzes around my head. He will even just pass by the screen as sone sort of haha! Everytime this happens I hear the "dunnnnnnn dun dun dun dundunn" from the phantom of the opera. I just can't get him when he passes by.I swear he thinks this is a game. But I will get him. Omg as I was writing this he was biting my arm again. And yet again....he got I've come to the conclusion that my blood taste like mosquito candy , or he's just a big fat jerk.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

things i have grown tired of recently..(parental discretion is advised)

Anyone who knows me can just see the stress on my face. If you haven't noticed the distress on my face, you for sure have run into the snappy, crackhead bitch i turn into under intense pressure. that is for fact. So i decided to simply explain things that have recently really annoyed me:

Jessie J
seriously. just shut. the. fuck. up.
you ruined some of my favorite songs.

alll the whoodeehaaa wit the booombebahhh heee hee heee haa .
no. over played. for the longest time i tried to decided if i like the song a lot or if i extremely hate it. ive come to conclusion that i really dont like it. AND what the hell is it about?? shooting people cause of their shoes? i thought we moved on from those kind of ideas. im sure their other stuff is good. i do like his voice. sometimes. just not 20x a day. unless all there songs sound like underwater drunk people. singing about shoes or what not. if thats the case, then no sir. i dont like it.
tuna the wonder fish! ready to go!... make everyone else miserable cause they have to smell your yeast infection sandwich. gross. and how annoying are the commercials

ok tuna girl. annoying. but this commercial is an all new low. i literally have to either mute the tv or change the channel when this commercial is on. or else i get stupid angry.

Recently people think im a super hero and expect and ask me if i can get something done for them and/or change plans the exact moment i get done figuring out my plan of action. I love to help out when i can but sometimes, especially right now, i have a lot of my own stuff to deal with. but not comprehending that i am in fact also a being of existence and i might have my own plans they still ask. and i always feel like this
but unfortunately i cant say no. for some unknown reason i cannot say no. i am the worst liar. i cant lie. i really wish i could but i dont function like that so i bite the bullet and just have to say
with the biggest fucking grin on the planet. 
Cheshire cat big.
And lastly ( yes i do have a lot more to complain about but im done ranting)

some ASSHOLE recently hacked my email. ruining the lives of many. including yours truly and i bet that sucker is just having a ball. im pretty convinced my work gave me the virtual herpes. and i unknowingly spread it to my friends. and i am sorry.
i have a new email now. cause the other one got deleted. whatever.
But no matter what life throws at me this always cheers me up
what what??

Thursday, July 14, 2011

in a nutshell..

so it's been a really long time since i've written a new blog. so in a nutshell, this is what you've missed:
- my sweetheat chihuahua Pickles passed away
- i eat meat...and a lot of it
- i've been working my butt off at work ( have a couple stories worth blogging)
- the ants are gone
- grand canyon was amazing ( this will have its own blog later when i upload photos)
- got harassed by a dog ( will be in the grand canyon blog)
- there was a spider at work.. 2 of them
- 94% of my friends at work left or quit or got let go for no logical reason.
- i'm moving to Tucson in January
- my 21 birthday is in about a week and im going to vegas to have some good times.
- and i am still scared of spiders.

Oh and im planning to return to France. hope that works out :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"the time has come," the walrus said...

At my end of the world party this past Friday, i got to talk to a friend who knows a lot about all that healthy crap i should know about. We got to talk about what i am doing wrong and how i should change it. the fact of the matter is, is that i need to just get over my vegetarian-ness. We also talked about mercury poisoning, muscle protein shakes, and low sperm counts....but anyway. that doesn't mean i cant care for animals still. i can eat organic meat- which is better for you anyways- cause they don't abuse their animals like they do in factories. I will probably just stick to chicken and turkey. and bacon.  I will probably start with my weakness...
i have already purchased them. 
i have already quit being vegetarian once because of these delicious breakfast treats.

so by the end of the weekend i will have given up my vegetarian lifestyle to try to be healthier. 

i feel sorry for my organs...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Plague of the Ants

The Ant B Gone Dust was a success. Now my end of the world party can continue as planned.

cheeky bastards.

And if you were concerned about my chemicals burns, i successfully washed before serious injury took place. Unfortunately, my dog, Pickles, has swollen paws but will recover.

p.s. dont take the end of the world party comment seriously. i will be partying but for no reason :P

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Still conflicted...

so i still haven't totally decided to eat meat or not yet. i took a bite of a morning star burger that was cooked after the other real burgers and felt like there was chemical warfare going on in my digestion track. i have also talked to a few vegetarians who have quit and eat meat. One was because she was invited to someones house and didnt want to be rude. the other one passed out and was extremely unhealthy. they did have two things in common: the both got really sick when they quit.
I've been doing some research online, but all i can find is sad things about animals and how being vegetarian is SO good for you. i can't find anything that has said something bad about it. but i know there is. cause i dont think i am healthy at all.
Vegetarian Food Guide Pyramid

5 serving of vegetable and nuts? ridiculous. i dont even like vegetables. except broccoli and potatoes, and green beans. what a way to become satiated. OH crap. i didnt even see the additional 4 servings of veggies. then what the hell are legumes? i thought that was vegetables? i dont even know what i am supposed to be eating.
but i still cant get myself to go ahead and eat meat.
those past time vegetarians were very convincing that i should probably quit, but for some reason i just cant.
i think i am gonna go see the doctor soon, just to see what i'm at and maybe talk to them about it. that might be a nutritionists job but im sure they'll send me their way if needed.

In good news, i just found out that Avenged Sevenfold is playing the Uproar festival in fall :D
brush your hair

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stay true or chown down?

So i have been a vegetarian for approximately 8 years now. People have usually 2 reactions to my previous statement:

 1. WTF why?! meat is gooood for you and deelishous.  ( i know that is spelled wrong. I'm trying to put voice into the word)

2. being vegetarian is so good for you! yay animals

well since i haven't always been a vegetarian, i can agree that meat is very delicious. and is good for you. And i can also agree with the fact that being a vegetarian is healthy for you, if done right. which i do NOT do. i hate most vegetables and the sight of a vitamin makes my insides wanna die. so i have been living, who knows how, for 8 years surviving on the sweet glory of carbohydrates. bread, cheese, and pasta. i don't know what triggered my banishment of meat. i know killing animals is wrong to me. i don't think anything should have to die. but its the way of life.

so now i am in this dilemma

i am starting to feel really weak and tired all the time. my cholesterol is out of the roof. i have already been put on medicine for it, which i dont take. i can't play volleyball cause my bones feel like they are going to break. i am weak.

i have theorized that neglecting my body from meat is the problem. or not taking vitamins but we already made the point that vitamins are not an option.

i think that i should start eating meat. but i just don't know if i can? how can i change something after i have been doing this for so long. i don't really have the urges to cheat on my vegetarian diet. i have my fake meats and stuff, which are better for you any ways. just not as delicious.

i just don't know what to do.

cow are too cute to eat.
and chickens.
and animals.

i know, just don't think about it. like it being a cow. or chicken. or i don't eat fish but still a fish. or pig.

but i need to survive.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Justice has been done

i am almost certain that last night after finding out the death of osama bin laden, everyone in America can relate to this colorful, yet appropriate for the occasion song. 

a little over the top, i know, but you can't deny that you at least smiled a little during this song. (except the slavery part... thats not so funny)

 “We will be relentless in defense of our citizens and our friends and allies. We will be true to the values that make us who we are. And on nights like this one, we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al Qaeda’s terror: Justice has been done.” - President Obama
i just thought this was funny

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It begins...

So I started this blog (obviously) cause diaries are too cliche; and hey- everyones business is plastered all over the Internet anyway so why not join the crowd. I'm very excited to write this blog. But why Melissa? What's so cool about a blog? Well imaginary voice...
1. I love to write
2. I have weird, unfortunate, fun, ironic, amazing, horrible things that happen to me on a daily basis that I think are worth sharing. Not all at the same time. Choose an adjective. Or two.
3. I have absolutely nothing better to do.

So yeah..

For those who do not know me or don't know what to expect, my blog will most likely be full of rants,complaining, and awesome adventures.

So if you categorize your self into my #3 reason to start a blog, you should probably read this. Or don't.
