Sunday, May 1, 2011

It begins...

So I started this blog (obviously) cause diaries are too cliche; and hey- everyones business is plastered all over the Internet anyway so why not join the crowd. I'm very excited to write this blog. But why Melissa? What's so cool about a blog? Well imaginary voice...
1. I love to write
2. I have weird, unfortunate, fun, ironic, amazing, horrible things that happen to me on a daily basis that I think are worth sharing. Not all at the same time. Choose an adjective. Or two.
3. I have absolutely nothing better to do.

So yeah..

For those who do not know me or don't know what to expect, my blog will most likely be full of rants,complaining, and awesome adventures.

So if you categorize your self into my #3 reason to start a blog, you should probably read this. Or don't.


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